Private Investigator Serving Westchester, NY

A private investigator observing two people near Westchester, NY

Check a Mate

 Check a Mate® is the brainchild of Jerry Palace, specializing in domestic investigations. Services include background checks and surveillance that are documented by photographs and/or video. We also offer a unique decoy service for situations when desired.  Our decoys are specially trained investigators in what we consider social investigations.  For more information please call and/or email.

Palace Guards

 Palace Guards is a professional private investigation  company utilizing the most experienced investigators   from the NYPD.  Give us your problems and we will solve them. 

Consultation 24/7

24/7  Call for consultation!

(917) 881-5980


Some facts regarding relationships:


1) Less intimacy with your spouse than normal? Diminished intimacy at home maybe a sign that your spouse is getting it from outside of the home.

2) Has your spouses' personality undergone a change? Something caused it and it may be the presence of another lover.

3) Has your spouse less money to spend? If that person has not suffered a financial loss, then the money may be going to pay for dates, dinners, dances, etc.

4) Has your spouse recently begun devoting an inordinate amount of time to grooming, to worrying about dieting, and to buying new clothes. Such concerns may indicate a preoccupation with appearance, in an effort to impress someone.

5) Is your spouse absent from home more than usual?

6) Does your spouse spend more time on the cell phone / internet or is your spouse more secretive about checking their email.

7) Unexpected behavioral changes tend to be a tell tale sign of something taking place outside of the home. 

8) Trust and use your instincts


 Private Investigations - Surveillance - Decoys - Bodyguards - Physical Security - Electronic Debugging - Computer Forensics - DNA - Criminal Investigations - Wrongly Accused - Wrongly Convicted - Executive Travel Safety - Missing Persons - Background Checks - Domestic Investigations - GPS Tracking - Covert Cameras - Lie Detector